To the OP:
You gain 2 character slots, you lose nothing.
Now, if they took two slots away for merging, you'd lose something. ^_~
Really, how many PvE characters can you people make O_O?
Well, the number of PvE chars someone can make is irrelevant. But you are correct about the gaining 2 slots and not losing anything...well, except for the ability to have 8 chars with half the content.
But the main argument of this thread is supposed to be (as I understand it) 'Why did ANet only give us 6 merged slots when they could have given us 8 merged slots?'. I have yet to hear any good reasoning put forward. The best reason in favor of getting 8 merged slots so far is 'because we want it'. That's my reason, as well. Any reason better than that is going to have to come from ANet.
Lord, why can't I stay away?! Log off of GWG...log off of GWG...
dude the search button breaks down like every other hour lately.
Well I didn't know that, but if it doesn't beat all, you don't even need the search button to find the threads that I circled in my last post. Because they've been right their on the first page of the Factions Thread page ever since they were created...
IMO, the reason they made 2 slots is because 1. it saves on server space, and 2. there were only 2 new characters released. This lets you make a primary of both characters, as well as keep 1 slot for PvP, this is better than I expected, which would have been 1 character for both new classes, as they basically did with Prophecies.
Eugaet, what's up with -still saying that there is only one reason- ? i gave you several and you did mostly agree.
I agree with the other stuph you had to say Eugaet. Well...
Originally Posted by Eugaet
That's where you are wrong. I'm not the one who is confused. It's not very complicated, but it's not as simple as you say. You can't say 8X - 6Y = 2 less X. X and Y are not equal. Unmerged and merged slots are not equal.
mostly true, but there is no way to say exactly what X or Y are, or if they are equal. -it would be diffrent for everyone.
Originally Posted by Eugaet
To reiterate: I'm not against having 8 merged slots. I want 8 merged slots (I just happen to be happy with the 6 I get...still want more...). But the 4+4=8 thing, as justification why we deserve 8 merged slots? That's just ignorant.
perhaps you missed where i said:
There is no way(this is where yall use that crazy math) to quantify the value of a slot merged or un-merged. a slot is a slot - this part you can quantify.
edit: the only correct equations you can make are those that are relative to the actual number of slots given or not given. (the 4+4=8 thing)
again: ArenaNet has done a poor job to explain why they are limiting slots.
To solve this problem simply, anet need to add 1 dedicated PVP char slot.
Also known as "dedicated character appearance customize preview/attribute point allocation worksheet slot" for us PvE players. Not at all what we're asking for.
the math is where 4+4= 2 individual totally separate accounts
4+2=6 where its one account, merged, with access to both parts.
why are we even arguing about this/ can't we all just get along.
it is what it is, just go and make another post of how you want more slots with the 3rd expansion and leave this one be.
Eugaet, what's up with -still saying that there is only one reason- ? i gave you several and you did mostly agree.
OK, yeah, those were good reasons...forgot about your post. I'm trying to keep up with this forum, grade papers, and take care of the kids all at once. My brain is getting a bit addled...
Originally Posted by Gargle Blaster
mostly true, but there is no way to say exactly what X or Y are, or if they are equal. -it would be diffrent for everyone.
perhaps you missed where i said:
There is no way(this is where yall use that crazy math) to quantify the value of a slot merged or un-merged. a slot is a slot - this part you can quantify.
edit: the only correct equations you can make are those that are relative to the actual number of slots given or not given. (the 4+4=8 thing)
Well, that is true, everyone assigns their own value to things. In my equation:
X = the content available to an unmerged slot (whether GW:F or GW:P)
Y = the content available to a merged slot
Rereading my post, maybe I didn't do a good job of labeling X and Y. I feel that Y > X. A merged slot has more value to me. I don't believe there's anyone in this thread who would refute that. The 4+4=8 equation is correct if we're talking solely about unmerged slots: 4 unmerged + 4 unmerged = 8 unmerged. But when you introduce merged slots into the equation, it's not simple addition anymore. That's where X and Y come in. Therefore: 4 unmerged + 4 unmerged = 8 merged is not correct. Thus, my insistence that people really are trying to equate apples to oranges.
Originally Posted by Gargle Blaster
again: ArenaNet has done a poor job to explain why they are limiting slots.
Agreed. They've done a great job at explaining how the value of a merged slot is greater than that of an unmerged, however. There's just a lot of people who don't understand it.
And thanks for responding in a civil manner, Gargle.
Autumn Leaf's assertion, with mqstout's corrolary, is correct.
Last edited by Eugaet; Mar 16, 2006 at 03:46 AM // 03:46..
Ok I could only read through page 3 of this before I got a migrane so if what i'm about to say has already been said I apologize.
I understand the way this whole thing works with the merging and seperate acounts and 15646546153-4658498454+54544= eleventy billion spots and we owe arena net $50,000 dollars and im fine with it. I would just be happy if people who merged accounts got a larger vault box for storage say, an extra 10 spots.
Last edited by Harvester; Mar 16, 2006 at 03:59 AM // 03:59..
I don't think questioning ANet makes the community look bad. Providing illogical equations for why you think you deserve something however, does.
It's not illogical to state that you deserve something that you've already paid for. When you buy factions, you've already paid for storage for those 4 characters. Thus, Anet is ripping you off by not giving you access to all 8 characters in a linked account. Please don't give me any bullshit about how the ability to move your characters between chapters offsets this loss of the storage you already paid for. A single 4 byte word, is enough to control access to 32 separate chapters.
Actually, due to the standalone nature of each chapter, an unmerged account is the default... Merged would be...not standalone.
Just how much of the kool-aid have you drunk? You're spouting Anet's marketing spin as though it were the truth, rather than cleverly worded propaganda.
To extrapolate and reinforce the notion this is down to a decision to "encourage" more people to buy several copies of the game, what will happen when chapter 3 comes out?
People will have SIX copies in some cases - 2 copies of Prophecies, 2 of Factions and 2 of the next chapter... and assuming they link their accounts which they'll most likely feel compelled to do. Something's a bit wrong there, and it's all because of the original decision to provide 6 primaries but only 4 slots to play them (or 3 if you PvP a lot). imho that's quite ridiculous.
Last edited by Xenrath; Mar 16, 2006 at 09:53 AM // 09:53..
Heh, something of the kind may be required. I'll help you write it.
ok, Eugaet, i can do the first page you can do the second and we'll colleborate on the third page, and then we can make a post, about 2 slot or six slot what should be do? any ideas folks. kinda thread. the pain...
Buoyancy: You also lose professions (after all, 6 new profession in Prophecy, only 2 new profs in Factions).
I say this to make a point: In terms of new slots and new professions, linking an account will never equal the first Chapter.
However, you are not paying for Professions or Slots alone. You are paying for the other new content in Factions. Please, Buoyancy, if you hate Factions so much, then don't buy it. It's that simple.
No one is forcing you buy it, so you are not getting ripped off. You can continue to play the Guild Wars you've already bought for FREE.
Buoyancy: You also lose professions (after all, 6 new profession in Prophecy, only 2 new profs in Factions).
I say this to make a point: In terms of new slots and new professions, linking an account will never equal the first Chapter.
However, you are not paying for Professions or Slots alone. You are paying for the other new content in Factions. Please, Buoyancy, if you hate Factions so much, then don't buy it. It's that simple.
No one is forcing you buy it, so you are not getting ripped off. You can continue to play the Guild Wars you've already bought for FREE.
It's useless to try and reason with Buoyancy. He's decided that Anet is evil and cheating him and he's going to post several times (often in a row!) to make sure that we all know it.